Austin Powers Protector Set
(click pics to enlarge)

"Yeah, baby. I know you dig my game but take it easy, please. Behave!"


                "Ouch! And I do mean OUCH!"

                "Nice touchup, baby, but it's just going to wear again"

    "Cliffys™ protectors! Shagadelic, baby"

The center scoop protector
                    Now *that's* marvelous!"

The shooter lane eject protectors
    Easy peasey rock solid protection baby and a shooter eject installation guide here too!

The outhole drain
    Shown on ghostbusters until someone sends me a pic on their AP :)

I want to thank Dan Heatherly, Steve Farkouh, Chris Heffner and Mike Kissinger for all the help!

This was a very difficult protector to design due to limited attach points and the weird routing of the hole. Because of this we have to use 3M 467MP adhesive tape (applied & included) to hold the front and left sides down flush. You will need to clean the area of any wax so use naphtha (de-wax) and then a final wipe with isopropyl alcohol before installing the protector. So, in order, clean area around scoop, remove the scoop mech & post from the bottom, wipe around scoop hole with alcohol swab, peel backing from adhesive, install protector, reinstall scoop & post, done!

Cover up that unsightly damage and prevent further wear, baby! Only $65 for the set as shown
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