Ramp and Playfield Protectors
Bitchin'! Cliffy's™ 4 piece ramp protector set as well as protectors for the Zone 5 kickout saucer, the Shelter scoop and shooter eject! Thanks to Bob Fellows for the loan of his game as well as Jeff Rumsey, Zach Gutzmer, Maurice Tierney and Charlie Penninger for help with testing and design. You guys are bitchin'!
The protectors! Follow along as Charlie installs
them on his game...
Lets start with the ramp protectors
Note that you'll need to drill a #36 hole in the right Scenic ramp to
attach the protector and use a #6 x 3/8" sheet metal screw as shown
Nice! Now for the Shelter scoop...
...and the Zone 5 kickout saucer
The shooter eject is probably the easiest of the
No more ugly divot here!
Cliffy's™ enhanced flipper guides!
Zach G's pics show the new smooooth roll line -
to email for order info (will open your default email client)
$50 for the ramp set, $44 for the scoop, kickout and shooter eject
set or $90 for ramp and playfield set
Add $20 for Cliffy's™ enhanced flipper guides
Shipping cost not included. Shipped first class via USPS or GlobalPost
California residents must add sales tax