Stern's The Simpsons Pinball Party was an instant hit, a true classic in the making and one of the deepest rule sets ever in a pinball machine. It is considered a true "players" machine with an incredible variety of modes and shots. Let's get it protected!
Cliffy's™ *complete* TSPP protector set
Left or Treehouse ramp
Here we see a blown out Treehouse ramp :( We need to swap out the post (included) and install
my protector
MUCH better :) It takes a bit of work to install but thankfully we have a nicely
done guide by
Kelly Keeton HERE
and, yes, I include the correct post needed to do the
install and a
Cliffy's™ color post sleeve, your choice of 12 colors.
Right or Moe ramp
OUCH! Another missing chunk of ramp on the right side.
What a difference! This is super easy to install. What a relief after doing that
left ramp :)
Center or hidden Garage ramp
This is a garage ramp with the end busted off. Sadly it's typical because the
end is unsupported in the game.
Sitting next to it you see my protector.
Two shots of the protector installed. It spans the gap and makes the game
playable again.
On new replacement or unbroken ramps it provides the support
needed to prevent breakage in the first place.
Mike Ford shows the protector installed on his game. Perfect.
Protect that shooter groove edge!
What goes in must go out!
Protect your Simpsons Pinball Party and keep the party going for years to come!
The *Complete* set as shown includes the following;
3 ramp protectors with post and sleeve, Itchy Scratchy kickout, outhole drain
and 2pc shooter ejects at $108
The TSPP Basic set includes 3 ramps with post and sleeve, outhole drain and 2pc shooter ejects $80
The 3 piece ramp set only with post and sleeve is $55
Email me HERE to get yours! (will open your system default email program)
Prices shown do not include shipping. Shipped first class via USPS.
If Priority Mail desired please specify at time of order.
California residents must add sales tax