Jack Guarnieri of Jersey Jack Pinball™ set the pinball industry and collecting hobby afire with his first pinball machine, The Wizard of Oz. Not since the Illinois Pin Ball™ remake of Capcom's™ Big Bang Bar has there been such a huge release by an independent manufacturer. JJP has firmly planted itself in the major leagues with it's first game! Wildly popular with players as well as hobbyists and collectors due to it's perfect combination of theme, playability and interactive technological wizardry (pardon the pun :)
With many thanks to testers such as Adam Fowler, Carl Hoffman, Ross Hitchins, Alex Levy, Bill Dillon, Ray Acevedo and even Jack Guarnieri and his team Cliffy's™ has created a complete protection set designed to guard your gorgeous Wizard of Oz from wear and impact damage.
Because this set is so large I'm breaking it into sections.
Kickouts, VUK's (vertical
up kickers), drop target and shooter lane
Wizards Throne, Castle VUK, Crystal Ball VUK,
Castle kickout, Winkie drop and Shooter ejects
Winkie guard drop target too..
Rollovers and Magnets
3 piece character rollovers, 2 piece magnet rings
- magnet rings also available in carbon fiber
Munchkinland edge
Mini playfield edge protection - stainless screws
Castle playfield edge
Mini playfield 2pc edge protection
Mounts with existing hardware
INSTALLATION GUIDE HERE! Huge thanks to Ray Acevedo for creating the guide
Follow the yellow brick road to the protection your
JJP Wizard of Oz pinball deserves!
6 piece VUK's, Winkie drop and kickout set $75
5 piece rollover and magnet ring set $34
Munchkinland playfield edge $28
Castle 2pc playfield edge $24
3 piece shooter lane set $25
Full set *without* magnet and rollover rings $150!
Complete set including everything above $180!
Choose the complete set and Priority Mail and get a free Cliffy's logo shirt! Please
specify size when ordering
email me for order info. Paypal accepted! California resident must add sales tax. Cliffy's ships