Playfield Protectors
(click pics to enlarge)
Great books, Great movies, Great pinball! Stern has represented middle earth well in this instant classic pinball machine.
Cliffy's™ has joined the fellowship to protect your Lord of the Rings!
Lord of the Rings complete
protection set with optional enhanced ramp flaps shown
The Orthanc Tower upkicker (VUK)
UH OH! We can see a couple chips out at the edge in this picture. Ouch!
Shown installed on Chris in NH's game. No more chipping here!
This shows how the fold-under tab gets a pinch job between the scoop and
playfield. The extended flange on top of the playfield slips under the ball
guide near the hole.
The Gimli VUK
The Gimli kickout protector shown installed in Paul Accardi's LOTR. This piece uses 3M™
adhesive on the bottom of the semi-circle as well as a guide and post
holes to mount.
The next pics show the tear down needed to install. Thanks to Chris Heffner for
these and click HERE for an installation guide
by Greg Hopkins, thanks Greg!
Protector in place. Now just reassemble the other parts!
Excellent! Looks factory in place, thanks Chris!
Thanks to Mike Kissinger, Chris Heffner, Paul Accardi and Chris in NH for all the help with templates and testing. Great job guys!
The Shire
Here's my new Shire protector and shown installed on Nimblepin's game.
Gorgeous! Simple to install - remove the two posts that will hold it in place,
peel the backing from the 3M™ tape on one leg (rail side), slip protector into
place and guide the rail side leg under the overhanging edge of the VUK
deflector. It may be necessary to loosen the two screws holding the deflector
but it seems likely only with playfields that have an extra thick clearcoat.
Another issue with extra clearcoats could be potential ball sticking where the
trough narrows before entering the upkicker. This only happens with extra thick
clear as it makes that space even narrower. The solution is to simply snap off
the tab on my protector where it covers the protrusion. To date I've seen
no sticking problems on my own LOTR with factory original clear. Thanks to
Nimblepin for all the help testing this protector!
The Shire Rail Guard™
The wood rail on the right side at the Shire can take a beating too- Enter my
new Rail Guard™ ! Works with or without an Arwen plastic
The Left Orbit (blue nub)
The protector
Steve S. shows the damage on the playfield here. With the blue nub removed
its even more evident. This is due to the flexing of this orbit ball guide.
Installing my protector under the guide using the existing stud prevents the
guide from digging in.
Outhole drain
Shown here on Will Freemans game, nice! Install guide
The Shooter Lane
The 3 piece shooter lane set. Note that Stern used two different bubble levels
on LOTR. A yellow level with metal base and the newer all black plastic version. The screw spacing is different so I make two different Rail Guards
depending on which level you have. Specify black or yellow level when ordering
Install guide here
Join the Fellowship and protect your LOTR!
$120 for the complete protection set. Only $15 for the pair of stainless
enhanced ramp flaps
Click HERE to
email for order info
(will open your system default email program)
Shipping cost not included in prices above.
Shipped via USPS or GlobalPost
California residents must add sales tax