From the pulps to comics to movies this classic crime fighting character comes to life in a pinball machine based on the 90's guilty pleasure movie of the same name. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of pinball machines? The Shadow knows...
Cliffy's™ Shadow full protector set and enhanced No-Hop™
flipper guides
Thanks to Erik Peabody I had an original playfield to design on. Have a look
The Khan kickout protector
Shown on the original and CPR repro playfield. The CPR screw holes are off
from original but the protector will still fit, albeit a bit off center
The Battelfield VUK and drop target protectors
Again, OEM and CPR repro installs shown and no alignment problems here. Both
single bank drop targets shown protected as well, nice!
Start Scene kickout carbon fiber
Carbon fiber protects great and cannot warp!
Switch slots at the inlane ramp drops
Beautiful. Keep them that way :)
Shooter ejects
Should have been there from day one!
Outhole drain
Hey no chipping on the way out!
Enhanced No-Hop™ flipper guides!
The Shadow playfields have a flaw whereby the flipper is not on the same
centerline as the guides. That means the ball has to drop down onto the flipper
bat. This means a serious bounce whether the ball is rolling down or back up the
inlanes. Cliffy's™ fixes this design flaw and gets the ball rolling perfectly
smooth to the flippers
Bad alignment from the factory shown here. Makes for a nasty little drop to
the flipper :(
Cliffy's™ No-Hop™ guides in place- check out the smooth line for the ball to
roll down- beautiful!
The Shadows knows you need to protect your machine with Cliffy's™ fantastic protectors and get it playing properly with No-Hop™ flipper guides!
The 11pc playfield protector set includes;
Khan kickout, Battlefield VUK, 2pc carbon fiber Start Scene kickout, 2x single
bank drops, 2 switch slots, 2pc shooter ejects and outhole drain for $108.
Add $20 for replacement A-19676-1 / A-19676-2 enhanced No-Hop™ flipper return
Click HERE to email for order info (opens your system default email program)
Shipping costs not included in price.
Shipped first class via USPS or GlobalPost
California residents must add sales tax