Color Sleeve Examples
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Addams Family
Attack From Mars = 11
Mark Salas
Michael Pupo
Austin Powers
Batman: TDK = 4 sleeves
Batman Forever = 3
Big Hurt
Bram Stokers Dracula = 10
Bride of Pinbot = 5
Cirqus Voltaire = 4
Creature From The Black Lagoon = 8
Dr Who = 12
Earth Shaker
Fish Tales = 5
Funhouse = 8
High Roller Casino
Hoops = 5
Hyperball = 20
Indiana Jones - Williams - 12
Jones 4 - Stern
Erik Warnke
Indy 500
Junk Yard
Jurassic Park
Lord Of The Rings
Medieval Madness = 7
Ron Chan
Mark Salas
Rob Bell
Chris Hutchins
No Fear = 12
No Good Gofers = 8 (2 cut to 7/8" for slam ramp)
Party Zone = 8?
Pinball Magic
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popeye = 12
Revenge From
Greg Colton
Eric Priepke
Rob Bell
Road Show
Greg Colton
Leon Essex
Hawk Wahl
Scared Stiff = 10
Starship Troopers
Star Trek TNG = 14
Tales of the Arabian Nights = 5
Taxi = 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles = 5
Terminator 2 = 15
The Simpsons Pinball Party = 12 (note that my sleeves can't be used on the post near the left tower as in Eric's pic. Ball will stick)
Twilight Zone
Wheel of Fortune = 6 red, 2 yellow, 2 orange, 3 purple, 3 blue = 16 total
White Water
World Cup Soccer '94 = 17
Send your pics to be added here! Big thanks to all who have sent pics to date!
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